This statement is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the transparency in supply chains provision of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the financial year ending 31st December 2016.
Helaba London Branch is the UK branch of a financial services provider which has its head office in Frankfurt, Germany. It is authorised to provide financial services by the German Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and subject to regulation by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Helaba’s business is conducted in the wholesale finance sectors of the UK and its staff are professional practitioners.
Helaba London Branch suppliers are nearly all located in the UK and therefore subject to the Modern Slavery legislation and provide predominantly highly-skilled professional services such as legal, computing, trading technologies, market information, facilities-type building and maintenance services and recruitment. Helaba London Branch ensures that as many of its suppliers as possible have published statements explaining the steps they have taken to mitigate this risk.
Helaba London Branch conducts robust vetting of its entire staff (permanent and temporary) and expects its suppliers to sign a contractual commitment to antislavery measures and transparency in their businesses and supply chains. Helaba London Branch’s internal policies, procedures and training cover mandatory conduct requirements from staff, e.g. anti-bribery and corruption, conflicts of interest and emphasize that breaches of human rights will not be tolerated.
Accordingly, Helaba’s Board of Directors considers that there is minimal risk within Helaba London Branch or its services supply chain for the involvement of slavery and human trafficking.