
ESG information for analysts

This section provides analysts and rating agencies with an overview of all Helaba's ESG-related data.

Strategies and programmes

Acting with sustainability in mind lies at the very heart of our strategy and we have systematically aligned our business activities towards this approach. Our actions are based on fundamental values that ensure sustainable and long-term success. As we look ahead to the future, we are guided by our strategies and programmes in pursuing our goal of making a positive impact on the world around us.

Petra Sandner
Chief Sustainability Officer Helaba-Gruppe
Silke Steffes

Guiding Principles / Processes / Policies

As a company, we believe it is our fiduciary duty to take responsibility for protecting the environment, society and the lives of this and future generations. With our Guiding Principles and Processes, we ensure that sustainable practices are firmly embedded throughout our organisation and that they are part and parcel of our day-to-day activities.

Icon Leitlinien

Sustainability in our core business activities

Press releases

Our ESG integration in the lending process

ESG-Integration im Kreditprozess

Corporate Citizenship

Beyond our core business, we are committed as a corporate citizen to society.

Human rights and supply chain

Our holistic view of the supply chain for the respect of human rights.

Data protection notices 

All data protection notices regarding the processing of your personal data by Helaba.


The tax strategy is embedded in Helaba's business strategy and risk strategy and is a binding guideline for Helaba. It contains guidelines, objectives and targets for the implementation of corporate governance with regard to taxes (tax compliance governance).

Tax Strategy 2025


We strive to incorporate principles of sustainability and responsibility into all our decision-making processes. With this in mind, we act as a strong and reliable partner in achieving the greatest possible benefit for our customers, providing long-term employment and creating added value for society as a whole. Our indicators express the success of our sustainable approach in concrete numerical terms.

Environmental and personnel key figures

Here you can find the relevant key figures and results.

ESG publications

Sustainability is an integral component of the Helaba Group's overall business strategy. Our ESG publications document how we meet our local and global, as well as our environmental and economic, responsibilities.

Sustainability report 2023 als PDF

All information on the sustainability of the Helaba Group for the year 2023.

Investor Relations

Here you can find the latest information and publications.


To ensure transparency and facilitate access, we provide you with the most important information on our ESG ratings from the selected agencies on our website. The agencies ISS ESG, MSCI ESG and Sustainalytics were selected for our communication strategy due to their leading role in the area of ESG ratings. Their ratings also serve as a reference for the achievement of our KPI5. ESG ratings are not commissioned by Helaba. More detailed information on the significance and methodology of the ratings can be found on the websites of the respective agencies.

Ratings 2024
Icon Ratings

Initiatives / Memberships

Support for goals of the Paris Agreement is integrated into Helaba's ESG targets. Our Sustainable Lending Framework also takes the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into account. As a member of leading ESG initiatives and together with other equally committed companies and banks, we seek to make a significant contribution to achieving these goals.

Icon Mitgliedschaften

ESG in the Helaba Group

We provide sustainable products and solutions that address environmental, social and governance issues throughout the Helaba Group and in all areas of our business activities. Our sustainability programme, HelabaSustained, has been rolled out across the Helaba Group with all its affiliated companies. In this section, you can find ESG information and documentation for all of our subsidiaries.

ESG history of the Helaba Group

ESG history of the Helaba Group

ESG Governance

ESG Governance
Icon Nachhaltigkeitsziele

LBS Hessen-Thüringen

As a legally dependent but independently reporting institution of Helaba, Landesbausparkasse (LBS) Hessen-Thüringen uses the Sparkassen as sales partners and has a leading market position in the building society business in Hesse and Thuringia.

LSB is committed to sustainable sports and club development in line with the 2030 Agenda. It supports sports clubs, sports associations and professional associations in the implementation of sustainable measures, such as energy savings, social projects and environmental initiatives


WIBank is the development bank of the state of Hesse. It is the central point of contact for all development matters relating to infrastructure, economic, social and housing development and provides support with various development programs of the state, the federal government and the EU.

It is an economically and organizationally independent, legally dependent institution within Helaba.

Frankfurter Sparkasse

As a regional market leader in retail banking, FSP promotes sustainable financial products and supports local projects that contribute to social and ecological development. With 1822direkt, it has a strong presence in the direct banking sector.

Helaba Invest

In its core business area of asset management, Helaba offers institutional investors a wide range of professional asset management services. Helaba Invest provides fund products that consider sustainability aspects such as ethical standards and risk management. It supports the transformation towards a climate-neutral economy through selected measures.

Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft

The Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft is the private bank of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Through its advisory services, it supports affluent private clients and family businesses in managing their assets.
The FBG integrates sustainability into its investment decisions and offers sustainable investment products that consider ethical standards and climate-related issues.

GWH Immobilien Holding GmbH

The companies of the GWH Group are active in the fields of real estate management, property trading, property development, and real estate services.
GWH focuses on sustainable construction and renovation to reduce energy consumption and minimize CO2 emissions. It also promotes social projects in its residential neighborhoods.

OFB Projektentwicklung

The OFB develops high-quality office, hotel, and logistics properties as well as urban districts throughout Germany. Its range of services extends from planning, implementation, and marketing of real estate to general contracting.
The OFB places a strong emphasis on sustainability in all aspects and incorporates not only ecological but also social aspects into project development.

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