
We are com­mitted to sup­porting cus­tomers, busi­ness­es and action groups to act sus­tainably and constantly strive to be a positive role model ourselves. In doing so, we not only aim to com­ply with legal re­quire­ments but also with ethical stan­dards. Since we strongly be­lieve that Helaba's suc­cess depends on the well-­being of our em­ploy­ees, we pay par­tic­ular at­ten­tion to their needs and those of our work­ing en­vi­ron­ment.


Our suc­cess on the mar­ket is largely depen­dent on the com­mit­ment of the people who work for us. For this reason, we help foster their in­di­vi­dual skills and set new stan­dards for Helaba's work­ing en­vi­ron­ment.

Cor­po­rate cul­ture and di­ver­sity

Helaba's cor­po­rate cul­ture is char­ac­terised by mutual respect and ap­precia­tion; neither dis­crim­ina­tion nor prej­u­dice have any place in our day-­to-­day work. Helaba has not only pledged itself to up­hold these prin­ci­ples by sign­ing the Ger­man Di­ver­si­ty Char­ter (Charta der Vielfalt) and the UN Glob­al Com­pact, but also by adopt­ing its own Code of Con­duct.

The people who work for us are as di­verse as their abil­i­­ties and po­ten­tial. Since we value these dif­fer­ences, we pro­vide our staff with the sup­port they need to thrive ac­cord­ingly. In ad­dition, we aim to offer them long-term pros­pects within the Group regard­less of their gender, age or in­di­vidual cir­cum­stances. For this reason, we are par­tic­u­lar­ly com­mitt­ed to pro­mot­ing the ap­point­ment and devel­op­ment of women and to ensuring that our HR man­age­ment is tailored to the specific re­quire­ments of dif­ferent age groups.

In order to reduce any po­ten­tial struc­tural ob­sta­cles, we have de­velop­ed an employee life­cycle model. Mem­bers of staff and their line man­agers are guided by the mea­sures we have mapped out and plan their next career steps in accor­dance with their in­di­vid­ual situa­tion in life. In ad­di­tion, our Di­ver­si­ty Man­age­ment pro­vid­es an open plat­form to discuss and ex­change views on ques­tions of gender, age and inte­gra­tion at the bank.

Work-life bal­ance and health

A healthy work-life bal­ance is a mat­ter close to our heart. Among other things, we enable our em­ploy­ees to bene­fit from flexible work­ing hours and remote work­ing ar­range­ments, and we sup­port them in their child­care needs. In this way, we want to ensure that they are able to ef­­fec­tively re­concile the pro­fes­sion­al and private de­mands in their lives.

Our in-house oc­cupa­tional health man­age­ment pursues a holistic ap­proach with the aim of pro­mot­ing in­creased aware­ness of phys­i­cal and men­tal health. Besides an ex­ten­sive range of sports activi­ties, we offer a variety of dif­ferent types of events on topics such as phys­ical activ­ity in the office or how to avoid stress. Our "Employee As­sis­tance Pro­gramme" is de­signed to help members of staff who find them­selves in chal­­leng­ing personal sit­ua­tions. It can be used, for ex­am­ple, to ar­range sup­port with child­care, in the house­hold or in tend­ing to the needs of de­pen­dent rela­tives.

New Work at Helaba

De­mo­graph­ic change and ac­company­ing pro­cess­es of social up­heaval are plac­ing new de­mands on the world of work. Under the head­ing of "NewWork@Helaba" we are driv­ing for­ward new work­place con­cepts and modern forms of man­age­ment and team­work in the bank. We regard trust, re­spon­si­bil­i­ty and com­mit­ment as the basis for suc­cess­ful col­lab­o­ra­tion that tran­scends hierar­chies.

It is under­pinn­ed by a Group-wide trans­forma­tion process called "Helaba on the Move", in which we want to in­clude everyone who works for us on this journey to change the bank. Our aim is to create a work­ing en­vi­ron­ment where mem­bers of staff can make rapid de­ci­sions, assume in­di­vid­ual re­spon­si­bil­­ity, organise them­selves and actively par­tic­i­pate in de­velop­ing their skills.

Petra Sandner
Chief Sustainability Officer Helaba Group

Code of Conduct

The envi­ron­ment

The sus­tain­abil­i­ty of our value chain and product range is an integral part of Helaba's busi­ness strat­egy. We operate in a way that con­serves re­sources as ef­fec­tive­ly as possible and support our clients in min­imis­ing their eco­logical foot­print with green finan­cial products.

Green products

As a pro­vider of finan­cial services, we be­lieve that financ­ing energy-efficient plants and re­new­able energy re­presents the most power­ful tool we have at our dis­pos­al to help con­tribute to pro­tect­ing the en­vi­ron­ment. We strictly adhere to en­vi­ron­mental stan­dards in every loan com­mit­ment we make and have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly with­drawn from financ­ing coal and other tech­nolo­gies that pose a risk to the climate.

Con­serv­ing re­sources at Helaba

As a group of com­pa­nies with over twenty lo­ca­tions world­wide, we know that even simple in-house ini­tia­tives often make an impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion to fight­ing climate change. Here are some of them at a glance:

  • Prop­er­ties: Over 90% of the elec­tric­­ity used in our office build­ings comes from re­new­able energy sources. The MAIN TOWER, Helaba's principal head­quarters, has even been awarded the highest-possible rating as a sustain­able and energy-efficient build­ing ac­cord­ing to the stan­dards of Leader­ship in Energy and Environ­mental Design (LEED).
  • Mobil­ity: If busi­ness trips cannot be avoided by using video or telephone confer­ences instead, we use public transport. Our fleet of company cars is also becoming in­creasing­ly greener: guide­lines on company cars specify low-consump­tion and low-emission vehi­cles; high-powered models are not permitt­ed. It also sets an upper limit for CO2 emis­sions.
  • Waste man­age­ment: Beyond emis­sions, our busi­ness ac­tivi­ties have a com­par­a­tive­ly low im­pact on the en­viron­ment: we do not use dis­posable coffee cups or can­teen pack­ag­ing. We raise aware­ness among our staff to con­serve re­sources when printing docu­ments. Inter­nal and exter­nal cor­respon­dence is largely digital and any printed material is almost ex­clu­sive­ly on certi­fied recycled paper.
  • IT ser­vice pro­viders: Because the IT infra­struc­ture is crucial for the suc­cess­ful opera­tion of our bank, we in­creasing­ly take sus­tain­ability criteria into account when select­ing IT con­trac­tors.


As a credit insti­tu­tion with a public ser­vice remit and as a central S-Group bank of the German sav­ings banks net­work, we bear a re­spon­si­bil­­i­ty to society as a whole. We sup­port entrepreneurs who want to make the financial sector greener and we have always tra­di­tion­ally sponsored a large number of cultural projects and in­stitu­tions.

Sus­tain­ability in the finan­cial sector

We have a special bond with the finan­cial centre of Frankfurt. As a plat­inum sponsor and in co­op­era­tion with WIBank, we sup­port in­no­va­tive ini­tia­tives:

  • The Green and Sus­tain­able Finance Cluster Germany pursues the goal of harness­ing exist­ing finan­cial market exper­tise in the field of sus­tain­ability and for­mulat­ing specific ap­proach­es for the industry with regard to sus­tain­able finance.
  • The Tech­quartier is a hot­spot for start-ups and in­nova­tors in the finan­cial sector. Our focus is par­tic­ularly on the GreenTech Hub, which provides support, among other things, for start-ups in the areas of green tech­nolo­gies, clean energy and sus­tain­able finance.

Pro­mot­ing cul­ture and the arts

In keeping with our claim "Values with impact", we believe that pro­mot­ing culture and the arts is not just part of our remit to society but also of our cor­po­rate culture. This is why we sup­port mu­se­ums and ex­hi­bi­tions, music and drama festi­vals as well as profes­sional and amateur sports:

  • The Mu­se­um of Modern Art (Mu­se­um für Mo­der­ne Kunst, MMK) and the Städelsche Kunst­institut in Frank­furt
  • The Dom­stufen-Festspiele theatre festi­val in Erfurt, the Rhein­gau Music Festi­val, the Helaba CLASSICnights at the Alte Oper concert hall in Frankfurt and the Ruhr Piano Festi­val
  • Sport­hilfe Hessen, the Bundes­liga football team Eintracht Frankfurt as a premium partner, the luge world cup in Oberhof, Thuringia, and runn­ing events such as the Düssel­dorf Marathon and the Iron­man Night Run in Frankfurt
  • In our art col­lec­tion we con­cen­trate on the works of intern­a­tional, up-and-coming con­tem­po­rary talents.


Sus­tain­ability is a fun­da­men­tal com­po­nent of our busi­ness strategy. Helaba's sus­tain­ability prin­ci­ples embody this phi­los­o­phy: they under­line our eco­log­i­cal and social re­spon­si­bil­i­ty and set bind­ing stan­dards of con­duct throughout the Group.

We have in­cor­po­rat­ed bind­ing, group-wide sus­tain­ability criteria into our risk strate­gies that are derived from our busi­ness strate­gy and up­dated an­nu­al­ly. Overall re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for all rel­e­vant issues lies with the Ex­ec­u­tive Board, which is sup­port­ed by a sus­tain­ability man­age­ment team and sus­tain­ability officer.

We are com­mitt­ed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, com­pli­ance with the core labour stan­dards of the Inter­na­tional Labour Organization (ILO) as well as the UN Global Compact with its ten prin­ci­ples on human rights, labour stan­dards, the en­vi­ron­ment and the fight against cor­rup­tion.

In ad­di­tion, our sub­sidiary Helaba Invest is a sig­na­to­ry to the UN Prin­ci­ples for Re­spon­sible In­vest­ments (PRI). In this way, it has com­mitt­ed itself to tak­ing greater ac­count of en­vi­ron­mental, social and cor­po­rate gov­er­nance factors in its in­vest­ment and asset man­age­ment ac­tiv­i­­ties.

Code of Con­duct

We have adopt­ed a Code of Con­duct in order to trans­fer the prin­ci­ples of sus­tain­ability through­out the bank and to provide every­one who works here with a bind­ing frame­work to act as a ref­er­ence for ori­en­ta­tion. It defines in a trans­par­ent man­ner for em­ploy­ees, cus­tomers and the public how we want to achieve our goals and work together, both within Helaba and vis-à-vis our stake­­hold­ers. Regular train­ing courses are con­duct­ed in ac­­cor­dance with reg­u­la­to­ry re­quire­ments and all mem­bers of staff are obliged to take part in them at least every three years.

Here are some of the main points at a glance:

  • We do not want to work with com­pa­nies or in­sti­tu­tions that are known to vio­late fun­da­men­tal human rights or damage the en­vi­ron­ment. If we out­source ac­tiv­i­ties or processes, we only com­mis­sion providers who have a verifiably sus­tain­able busi­ness policy.
  • We rig­or­ous­ly comply with local, national and in­ter­na­tion­al reg­u­la­tions and statu­to­ry pro­vi­sions. Thanks to our com­pli­ance man­age­ment, which is geared towards pre­ven­tion, we actively combat white-collar crime: All forms of bribery and cor­rup­tion are strictly pro­hib­it­ed at Helaba.
  • A whistle­blow­er system en­ables anyone to report po­ten­tially un­law­ful trans­ac­tions and to contact an external om­buds­person on a con­fi­den­tial basis.
  • A tax com­pli­ance man­age­ment sys­tem helps us to adhere to tax-related obli­ga­tions and to monitor tax-relevant busi­ness pro­cess­es in an ef­fec­tive and risk-oriented way. The pos­si­bil­i­ty of using ar­ti­fi­cial tax struc­tures or cir­cum­vent­ing arm's length prin­ci­ples is strictly pre­clud­ed. Neither our products nor our client-related ac­tiv­ities are designed in a tax-driven man­ner.

No entries

Code of Conduct

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