Environmental Indicators

Environmental Indicators for Helaba, July 2024

Energy Consumption in MWh2023202220212020
Energy Consumption Total (Electricity and Heating)31,56134,79939,26438,794
Electricity Consumption13,84412,61515,90417,770
Thereof from mixed renewable sources12,37611,73314,79315,974
Thereof combined heat and power (CHP)1,4688811,1111,796
Heating Consumption17,71722,18423,36021,024
Thereof Gas (appr. 85% cogeneration unit at MAIN TOWER)3,52811,1227,6586,761
Thereof heating from conventional CHP13,96310,48814,62213,302
Thereof heating from biogas CHP1965461,050931
Thereof light fuel oil30283030
Business Travels in km2023 202220212020
Business Travels Total17,254,934 14,036,0398,910,90810,860,397
Thereof by rail25.7% 2,945,223791,1241,604,184
Thereof by car leasing38.4% 6,960,2696,275,1945,956,570
Thereof by car rent10.1% 1,315,5661,205,6201,527,888
Thereof by flight (short distance)1.8% 173,39778,443938,932
Thereof by flight (long distance)24.0% 2,641,584560,527832,823
Resource Consumption in kg2023202220212020
Thereof certified (FSC, etc.)88.6%109,518120,808155,511
Thereof recycling paper11.4%15,77521,45832,637
Water Consumption (in m3)42,18541,66852,49173,320
Waste 445,628557,706564,437
Thereof recycled 377,806462,360515,810
Thereof incineration 67,82295,34648,627
Thereof hazardous waste ---
CO2 Emissions in T2023202220212020
CO2 Emissions Total6,3907,5836,7287,469
Thereof Scope 12,0343,6022,7802,514
Thereof Scope 28355166611,268
Thereof Scope 33,5223,4643,2883,687

Employee Indicators

Employee Indicators for Helaba, April 2024

Employees in Germany and Switzerland (People)6,2956,1526,0356,051
Thereof Helaba Bank3,3243,2813,2353,207
Thereof Frankfurter Sparkasse1,5091,4811,5041,591
Percentage of temporary employment2.5%2.6%3.3%5.1%
Percentage of collective wage agreement53.2%55.2%56.0%56.0%
Thereof collective banking wage agreement80.4%81.3%83.9%85.2%
thereof wage group 7-977.0%76.3%75.5%74.9%
Percentage of part-time23.3%22.6%22.5%23.1%
Thereof women84.7%86.4%86.4%85.7%
Percentage of junior employees and trainees2.7%2.4%1.7%2.4%
Thereof Frankfurter Sparkasse61.0%56.0%79.8%61.9%
Qualification expenditures4.6 Mio€2.4 Mio€2.7 Mio €3.1 Mio €
Average period of employment in years (within Helaba Group)12.715.015.114.8
Fluctuation rate (initiated by employees)4.3%3.7%3.2%3.1%
Thereof Helaba Bank3.5%2.5%2.2%2.4%
Percentage women47.2%47.2%47.1%47.0%
Percentage female executives25.7%23.3%23.4%22.8%
Percentage of female board members (Helaba Bank)16.7%0%0.0%0%
Percentage of female members of the supervisory board (Helaba Bank)32.1%28.3%30.2%28.3%
Percentage of employees with a disability5.0%5.2%6%5.9%
Number of different nationalities503810644
Percentage of employees with German nationality94.15%94.2%94.9%97.5%
Percentage age > 5049.4%50.4%50.1%48.6%
Percentage age 30-5042.4%41.5%41.8%42.5%
Percentage age < 308.3%8.1%8.4%8.8%
Absence rate (due to illness with medical certificate)5.3%6.3%4%3.7%
Number of accidents (work-related (road) accidents)39203642
Thereof Frankfurter Sparkasse33.3%30%61.1%76.2%
Work-related Fatalities0000

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