Helaba Imprint 

Service provider identifi­ca­tion in accor­dance with sec­tion 5 of the Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG, Ger­man Digital Services Act)

On behalf of

Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Neue Mainzer Straße 52-58
60311 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 / 91 32 - 01
F +49 69 / 29 15 - 17

Bonifaciusstraße 16
99084 Erfurt
T +49 3 61 / 2 17 - 71 00
F +49 3 61 / 2 17 - 71 01

Commercial Register

Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRA 29821, Amtsgericht Jena, HRA 102181

Board of Managing Directors

  • Thomas Groß, Chief Executive Officer
  • Hans-Dieter Kemler
  • Frank Nickel
  • Christian Schmid
  • Tamara Weiss

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

Europäische Zentralbank (EZB)
Sonnemannstraße 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn

Germany VAT identification number
DE 114 104 159

Bank Clearing Code (alphabetical order)

100 506 00 Berlin
480 500 00 Bielefeld
508 500 49 Darmstadt
440 500 00 Dortmund
300 500 00 Düsseldorf
360 500 00 Essen, Ruhr
820 500 00 Erfurt
500 500 00 Frankfurt
501 500 00 Frankfurt
203 500 00 Hamburg
520 500 00 Kassel
370 500 00 Köln
400 500 00 Münster, Westfalen

Bank Iden­tifier Code (BIC)



GIIN (Global Inter­me­diary Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber)

Germany X1I0C3.00000.LE.276
France X1I0C3.00000.BR.250
United Kingdom X1I0C3.00000.BR.826
Sweden X1l0C3.00000.BR.752

Edito­rial note

The information provided on our websites is thoroughly examined by us. Nevertheless, we cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the completeness, correctness as to contents or up-to-dateness of the data and information provided therein.
Please note that the pages contain only non-binding information which in particular may not be considered investment recommendations and which do not replace individualized consulting and advice with additional, up-to-date information.
We are checking the links to other websites and pages of other service providers at regular intervals. However, we cannot assume any liability for those sites and pages, their completeness, the correctness or topicality of their contents or for any changes and amendments made to them.

Data pro­tec­tion regarding our website

How we protect the privacy of your personal data as visitor of our websites

Data pro­tec­tion at Helaba

How we protect the privacy of your personal data in general

Online Editors

Ursula-Brita Krück, 
Rolf Benders
(editors responsible under press law)

Patricia Götz

T +49 69 / 9132 55 - 82

Social Media

Patricia Götz
Marco Pfohl

T +49 69 / 9132 41 - 62

Website Management - Art Di­rec­tion, Screen­de­sign & De­ve­lop­ment Sup­port

Abeggstraße 2
65193 Wiesbaden
T +49 611 236 341 - 0
F +49 611 236 341 - 20

Processing of personal data based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation

The following information serves as an overview for our customers regarding the processing of your personal data by Helaba and your rights according to Data Protection Regulations.

Do you have questions about Data Protection or the elicitation, processing and / or usage of your personal data? We look forward to hearing from you – send us an e-mail to

Notice about the arbitration service

To settle disputes with the bank, consumers have the option of calling on the services of the consumer arbitration body of the Association of German Public Banks (Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands, VÖB). Helaba participates in dispute resolution proceedings brought before this recognised consumer arbitration body.

Complaints must be sent in text form (e.g. by email, facsimile or as a letter) to:

Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle beim Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands (VÖB)
Postfach 11 02 72
10832 Berlin

E-Mail: mbdsmnnvb-kbsd
Internet: www.voeb.de
Telefax: +49 30 81 92 - 2 99

Further details are governed by the "Rules of Procedure for the Settlement of Complaints within the Association of German Public Banks (VÖB)", which are available from VÖB on request.

Photo credits

A large number of images used here on this website are from Getty Images.


This affects both images in the menu item "Clients", as well as on the respective pages under "Clients":

  • Vector Coronavirus 2019-nCoV and virus on blue background - fotomay via Getty Images
  • Automated production line - Thomas-Soellner via Getty Images
  • Parking lot - structuresxx via Getty Images
  • Close-up electron microscope - Konstantin Kolosov via Getty Images
  • Chemical laboratory technician in protective clothing at work - gorodenkoff via Getty Images
  • Wind farm on hill - wmaster890 via Getty Images
  • Wind farm at sea - CharlieChesvick via Getty Images
  • Workers in front of transport containers - iBrave via Getty Images
  • Logistics shipyard - Weerasaksaeku via Getty Images
  • Business People Diskussion sadvisor Konzept - seb_ra via Getty Images
  • People on stairs of modern building - Tashi-Delek via Getty Images
  • Machine workpiece close up - HRAUN via Getty Images
  • Mechanical engineering hall - Traimak_Ivan via Getty Images
  • Telecommunication towers from below - Kanoke_46 via Getty Images
  • German chiaraviglio in Berlin - Omm-on-tour via Getty Images
  • Rathaus, German for town hall - sunnychicka via Getty Images


  • Erfurt - Meinzahn via Getty Images
  • Berlin - Ari Ardiansyah Putra via Getty Images
  • Düsseldorf - Simon Cudd via Getty Images
  • Hamburg - Paul Siepker via Getty Images
  • Kassel - Andreas Weber via Getty Images
  • Munich - jotily via Getty Images
  • Münster - Schroptschop via Getty Images
  • Stuttgart - nullplus via Getty Images
  • London - Ingus Kruklitis via Getty Images
  • Moskau - AvigatorPhotographer via Getty Images
  • New York - ventdusud via Getty Images
  • Paris - mdmworks via Getty Images
  • Shanghai - zorazhuangvia Getty Images
  • Singapur - fotoVoyager via Getty Images
  • Stockholm - JohanSjolander via Getty Images
  • São Paulo - Thiago Leite via Shutterstock
  • Madrid - KikoStock via Adobe Stock


  • Highlighted word "sustainable" - Lobro78 via Getty Images


  • Rooster - shelma1 via Getty Images
  • Annual Outlook 2024 – anton5146 via iStock.com
  • Annual Outlook 2024 – Jan Ole Helmbold, master1305 via iStock.com

Further photo credits: Helaba.

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