Closer to the market: country and financial market forecasts, profound research about credits and covered bonds, regional analysis such as reports about the Financial Centre Frankfurt
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On Thursday afternoons: our weekly assessment of ssa, covered bonds and senior unsecured. It also includes an issuance barometer, a spread trend indicator, short news and a chartbook.
Forcasts for different countries: financial Markets, gross domestic product, inflation.
Commentaries on the latest topics affecting corporates, banks and covered bonds as well as developments on the credit markets and on debt markets of supra-nationals, sub-sovereigns und agencies.
Based on our special connection to our home region, Helaba provides analyses and forecasts for the German federal states and the Financial Centre Frankfurt.
Although we do not know what the future will look like, what we can do is design scenarios and assign probabilities to them. Markets and Trends is our annual economic outlook published in November.